Why Join Wildlife Action?
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the general membership, we invite you to Wildlife Action of Georgia.
Wildlife Action is a private, non-profit, tax exempt (501c3), volunteer organization. We are dedicated to the appreciation and enjoyment of our wildlife heritage through the values of preservation, conservation, education, sportsmanship and fellowship.
To that end, Wildlife Action of Georgia attempts to raise public awareness of diminishing wildlife habitat, illegal and inconsiderate outdoor activities, to promote the wise use of our natural resources and to educate the sportsman and non-hunter that our natural resources are for everyone and that the costs and benefits should be shared by all.
The slogan “Local folks solving local problems” embodies the belief that the empowered individual can come up with new alternative solutions to problems and challenges. Locally we are concerned with the lakes, rivers, and wetlands of Lake Allatoona and its tributaries.
At many of our Wildlife Action chapters there are activities available to members such as Swimming, Scenic Nature trails, Birding, Picnicking, Camping, Fishing, Canoeing, Archery and Pellet/Gun ranges. Our organization offers events throughout the year to promote and educate the love of outdoors to our youth and community. By holding tournaments, camps and classes where your child can become a Pioneer with a love for outdoors with respect for our 5 point law of Preservation, Conservation, Education, Sportsmanship and Fellowship.
Thank you for visiting our site, we look forward to meeting you,
Brian Welton
State Chapter President
2025 Calendar
14-State Board Meeting, 6:30pm GREC​
2- Polar Plunge Fundraiser
15- National Fundraiser Dinner, Mullins, SC
11- State Board Meeting, 6:30pm GREC6-
20- Easter
13- State Board Meeting, 6:30pm- GREC
18-Camp Camelia Rose Parent day
25-NVBC Church at the Lake
26--Memorial Day Cookout
31- Camp Camilia Rose -Property Closed at 2pm.
1-6- Camp Camelia Rose (PROPERTY CLOSED)
9-13 - WLA Adventure Camp
20-Gods Rolling Thunder Church service
29- Decorate July 4th Parade Float
4-July 4th Parade-10am
8- State Board Meeting, 6:30pm GREC
20- Gods Rolling Thunder Church service
9- Allatoona Lake Poker Run Boat Dock
24- Gods Rolling Thunder Church service
31- New Victoria Baptist Church service 10:30
1-Labor Day
9- State Board Meeting, 6:30pm GREC
TBD- Great Lake Allatoona Clean up
TBD- Howl at the Moon Fundraiser Dinner
25- Pumpkin Carving Party
25- Fall Fest Truck or Treat Pioneer Village
11- State Board Meeting, 6:30pm GREC
22-Turkey Shoot, 12-2pm
22-Youth Safety Orientation
TBD- Youth Archery Hunt
18-Chapter Christmas Dinner
*not all bookings are listed please call for availability.

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